successful work in the market

Cooking the real thing since 1999

Products with a history through generations
From brand BALTIMOR founders
A TASTE that won the hearts of more than 70% Russians in the early 2000s

Quality control system and safety of products and raw materials
Products manufactured in strict accordance with GOST
Wide assortment, which is constantly updated
BALTIMOR-AMUR LLC - a company with history

From 1995 to 2009 Baltimor Holding was one of the largest producers of ketchup, sauces and mustard in Europe. The company employed more than 2000 people. In the 2000s, 7 out of 10 ketchup bottles sold were produced by the Holding. For 80% of Russians, the word ketchup is associated with the word "Baltimor". Baltimor has achieved such a strong product-brand association in less than 10 years of development. Founded in 1995 in St. Petersburg, by 2000 the company had become one of the largest enterprises in Russia producing ketchups, sauces, canned fruits and vegetables and vegetable juices. Baltimor occupied 4% of the world, 75% of the Russian ketchup market, as well as 30% of the tomato paste market and 5% of the mayonnaise market.

In 2001–2002, the company opened representative offices in all regions of Russia. In addition to the offices of manufacturing companies in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk and Uzbekistan, the company had sales offices in million-plus cities in Russia and Ukraine. In addition, Baltimor exported its products to the CIS countries, Israel, Mongolia, the USA and Germany.
The regional growth of the Baltimore company began in 1997 with the opening of its production in Moscow. This was followed by the opening of enterprises in Khabarovsk (1999), Krasnodar and Uzbekistan (2000).

In 2000, Baltimore became a vertically integrated holding company that not only produced products for end consumers, but also grew and processed vegetables, the main raw material for its own production. Vertical integration was a step to ensure low cost and high quality raw materials for the company's manufacturing facilities.

Baltimor remains in the memory of consumers as a large agro-industrial complex, covering all stages of production: from growing vegetables on its own ecologically clean fields and its own production of packaging materials to the production of finished products. Such an approach to the organization of production made it possible in those years to ensure control of all stages of processing of raw materials and guarantee the high quality of products.

In the period from 1995 to 2009, Baltimor sold almost the entire range of fruit and vegetable products, produced ketchup, tomato paste, mayonnaise, vegetable juices, mustard, vinegar and canned vegetables. The company owned four well-known trademarks: Baltimor, Krasnodarye, Vostochny Gurman and 8 ovoshchey. Based on GFK research in 2003, consumer loyalty to the Baltimore brand was 81%.

In 2009, the company sold everything related to Baltimor ketchups and tomato pastes to Uniliver. Since then, ketchups have not been produced under this brand.

In 2021, when its shareholders returned to the company, a decision was made to produce ketchups and other products under the Russkiy Kray and Krasnodarye brands.

Today "Baltimor-Amur" is a constantly developing company: the most modern equipment is purchased, new production lines are launched.

We just can't make a bad product. We recommend everyone to get acquainted with the bright tastes of our brands, as well as follow the novelties of the enterprise.

Baltimor-Amur - love through generations!

BALTIMOR-AMUR plant production building

MANUFACTURER: Baltimor-Amur LLC, 8, Trekhgornaya st., Khabarovsk, 680054, Russia

Deputy General Director for Sales Development 8(914)165-02-28, sohanvv@baltimor-dv.ru

CENTRAL REGION: Tatyana Mishina,
8(916)838-06-07, mishina_tu@baltimor-rus.ru

8(931)256-88-36, krilova_va@baltimor-rus.ru
The company representative office in Moscow
7A building 1, 2nd Khoroshevsky driveway, Moscow, 123007.

The company representative office in the North-West
3/2, Konstitutsii Square, Saint-Petersburg, 196247
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